
Here you will find details of the dates and content of current and upcoming events. Thank you very much for your interest.

The last few weeks have brought stormy times, and not just on the outside. The inner world has also been affected. Perhaps you are like me and it is not always easy for you to stay anchored in your own centre.

In this case the best way to come back to myself is to connect with others and to remember what is really important in our lives and what helps us to stay connected to something essential within us, no matter what the outside world tries to distract us from. 

The 6th of January is always an interesting date. I like the idea of a women’s chrismas. The last week of the year is a very busy time for most women. The family often expects her to provide for everyone a relaxing and cosy time, with delicious food, a lovingly decorated house and gifts that fulfil the deepest desires of the heart. We do our best and steal little moments of peace for ourselves. 

woud love to invite you to a day for yourself amongst other wonderful women. Have a look at the details and perhaps this date and topic will appeal to you. This would be a great opportunity to meet you at the beginning of the new year.