
It is our birthright to live a happy and fulfilled life in our own way, and to experience BLISS. This means being connected to the vitality of our body, the wisdom of our heart and the power of our life purpose. If we lose this connection, our body lovingly and emphatically shows exactly how we can restore this connection. Our body has its own language to speak to us. We call it “symptome”. Bodywork helps to recognize the signs of the symptomes and to understand the bodylanguage.

The word “symptome” has its roots in the Greek language and means : something comes together, something meets at one point. In my experience a symptome is the visible or sensible (or both of them) result of a previous unconscious story of disconnection from our true nature – our essence. Then we are no longer acting in alignment with our inner wisdom, which ensures our well-being on all levels.

Symptoms are the voice of our inner navigation system that constantly nags us with its advice that we are on the wrong path and should change direction.




Each session is unique and personalized to you and your current needs. Shall we walk a little way together? Here you may find support that suits you:





Just as the water reflects the stars and the moon,
the body reflects the mind and the soul.
